Sunday, August 16, 2009

I can't think of a better opening blog than to say:
Congratulations to the Logan County Little League Team on their major win and wish them the best at the World Series!! Ian and the team played a great game. I don't usually watch baseball but this was one cool game.
We have had a few busy weeks at school, settling into our schedules, learning each other's names and of course when to go to the locker and when to not stop. I'm very happy to say my classes are well behaved and the new 6th graders are an awesome bunch!
My 7th graders are mostly returning students from last year with a few pleasant surprises and they are a fantastic class!
We have GRADE testing on Monday and Tuesday of this week, so please encourage students in my classes to rest, eat a good breakfast and do their best on the test.
Thanks again to all of my students for making the start of this 2009/2010 year the best!! Sixth graders please note: I wrote the correct year this time (not 2019!!) ha- ha
See you in class.
Mrs. P.