Sunday, August 30, 2009

Routines are a Good Thing!

As we come to the mid-point in our first nine weeks of school, routines are falling into place and we seem to know our schedules, specials classes and most importantly the routine of running an effective classroom. Thanks to all of my students who are giving 110 percent!
Progress reports will be going home on Tuesday of this week, so please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Family Night is Tuesday evening of this week too and we have some cool activities planned for the middle school wing. Our focus will be on France and Japan. Did you know that Mrs. Brooks was born in France?? Pretty cool.
Please remember to turn in your registration and $$ for Grandparent's Day by September 3rd.
Also each Friday in September is Hat day for $1.00. We are supporting Dalton Lockhart in this fundraiser.
The last bit of news is to remind my homeroom class that our theme basket (voted on by the majority of the class) will be John Deere theme. Please start collecting items now for our Fall Festival basket. Mrs. Laughter and I will have the goldfish game again this year but it will be in my room!! Start practicing your throwing skills now.
Thanks for a great start to our new school year.