Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wow! Congratulations to 6A for winning the Recycling name challenge!! I'm so proud of you for entering the contest and working as a team in the classroom. Can you believe we have been back in school for almost a week?? I have been looking for those promised snow showers but have yet to see any.

We have begun reading Bridge to Terabithia- one of my favorite books. Katherine Patterson, the author, is able to create relationships with the characters and connect with the reader so well. We will also have a couple of "surprises" as we read our novel in class. If you have watched the new video just remember- the book is different (better to me) than the movie.

The Academic Team prepares for our Governor's Cup on January 24th and we are hosting the event this year. We will be asking for volunteer help throughout the day and several of our Chandler's staff and students are already preparing to help us make this a great experience for the visiting schools!

7th Graders are preparing for the final push to create Proficient and Distinguished Writing Portfolios and over the next two-three months they will be working very hard. They are an awesome bunch and we are excited about their writing.

As you can see, we are gearing up for a busy January, thanks again for all who are giving 100 percent.

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