Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snow in April?? We must be in Kentucky!!

Well, the end of Spring Break and I just finished my first online "chat" with a group of fellow writers! So many of you may have already participated in a live chat but this was indeed a first for me. I found I couldn't type as fast as I wanted to talk and then at one point...I was to shy to give a response. Can you imagine me being shy?? Believe it. In fact, my teacher asked if I was still online. I explained I was thinking and he just encouraged and prodded me to jump back in the conversation. It was so neat!! I think we should try this as a class project- maybe we can do this after we wrap up our CATS testing.
Yes, we are fast approaching that time again. Since the changes in the CATS assessment have begun this year, we are in a transitional time but we can't let our guard down. We still need to be prepared and we will be reviewing over the next few weeks in preparation for our testing in May.
Eight Graders will be taking a field trip to the Frist Museum in Nashville later this week (Thursday to be exact- make sure you have turned in your permission form please!). We will be viewing Medieval artworks- I'm looking forward to our trip.
Seventh Graders will continue to complete their portfolios because we need to finish projects we begin and good writers always finish their work! We will also begin small group/literature circles of novels- the groups choice from a selection. It will be interesting to see why groups pick the novel of choice.
Sixth Graders we continue to write personal narratives- I really enjoy these- it's always intersting to read your writing and we will begin a new novel later in the week.
I hope each of you rested, read and enjoyed your break from school.
See you on Monday- with snow and all!
Mrs. Pryor

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